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Karma Passion Radiant



Refresher Course on Concepts

The planning for the GD-PI at KPR begins with a crash course on various Financial, Business and Technological innovation subjects. While most of us know that one's team behavior abilities is one of the main reasons that is analyzed in a GD, what many of us usually neglect is that contextual understanding and conceptual quality of the applicant are given equivalent, if not more significance. The refresher is targeted at getting you familiar to appropriate material.

Course Objectives

A limited record of the subjects protected includes

Student Presentations

Students will be allocated subjects that are appropriate in the existing scenario and will be requested to create demonstrations. Moreover to a few example subjects that are given below, learners operating in the Application, Financial Solutions, Insurance areas will create demonstration about the their specific sectors.

Mock GDs

The refresher course is followed by Concept GDs. Each personal will have to be able to join in sufficient number of GDs to help him/her get over all misgivings in GDs. Individual and team reviews classes adhere to, to help you develop your abilities.

Personal Interviews

Each personal will go through a sequence of discussions (minimum 3) and will be questioned by a board including graduate students from top B Educational institutions who are currently operating in various potential in the Indian market. Individual reviews will be offered and improvement supervised over the course of the sequence of discussions.

In inclusion, those applicants who have got phone calls from top b schools can have mock discussions planned a few days before their real meeting time frame to help them obtain assurance and develop their solutions.

Mr. Rajesh K. Singh


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